DEL CORONA & SCARDIGLI SPAIN, SLU is the first freight forwarding company in Spain to obtain its inclusion in the CDI-mpc system. The CDI (The Chemical Distribution Institute) has developed the mpc (Marine Packed Cargo) as a management system for chemical product transport operations for transport operators.

The CDI-mpc carries out periodic audits by accredited auditors. On January 5, 2011 we were evaluated for the first time obtaining certificate no. 600037.

DEL CORONA & SCARDIGLI SPAIN, SLU dedicates an important part of its activity to the chemical sector, which is why it adopts the CDI-mpc methodology for the management of these shipments. The adoption of CDI-mpc protocols and systems shows DCS ASTA LOGISTIK's commitment to responsible care in the management of operations, contributing to developing more efficient, intelligent transportation systems in line with sustainability and environmental care policies. of the EEC