DEL CORONA & SCARDIGLI SPAIN SLU is a company committed to the added value that Corporate Social Responsibility represents. We understand that our business management must integrate respect for people, ethical values, the community and the environment.

We believe in continuous improvement, but always in a sustainable and responsible way, integrating four lines or areas of action in the management of the company.

Business ethics

Quality of life in the company

Connection and commitment to the community and its development

Care and preservation of the environment

We participate in the Port of Barcelona Strategic Plan, collaborating in the preparation of its annual Sectoral Sustainability Report.

We encourage and facilitate the training of our employees, thus promoting the personal development of all of us who are part of DEL CORONA & SCARDIGLI SPAIN SLU.

The constant changes in the sector, both technological and regulatory, make continuous training an important added value in our business activity.

The human team is our main value.

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct articulates the company's values and principles. Promotes the ethical behavior of all our employees by creating a company culture that reinforces and reaffirms our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. It is also a direct tool to convey to clients and suppliers the principles that our organization projects and demands.

We respect the Principle of equality and non-discrimination in labor relations.

We ensure equal treatment and opportunities among our workers.

We have a written protocol aimed at the personnel in charge of hiring, which determines our hiring policy and establishes the profiles and functions as well as the competence for each job position. Hiring and/or promotion requirements are strictly based on professional criteria.

Work and family conciliation.

DEL CORONA & SCARDIGLI SPAIN SLU promotes conciliation by facilitating measures such as flexibility in arrival and departure times and reduction of working hours.

We properly and responsibly manage the waste we generate through our activity.

They are all treated by certified companies.

We implement measures to minimize the volume of waste generated.


The carbon footprint measures the amount of greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere through any individual or collective activity.

We make available to our clients a tool to calculate the environmental impact of their shipments, which allows them to evaluate different means of transport and be able to reduce it or, if not possible, compensate it.